How to get a channel link in Telegram, WhatsApp, and Viber

To add your channel in the messenger as an ad space, you need to specify a link to it. Below is a guide on how to get a channel link in each messenger.

How to get a link to a Telegram channel

Desktop version

1. Open the channel chat, click the icon and select View channel info.

2. Click the channel link to copy it.

3. Go to the page for adding ad space details and paste the link into the Link to resource field.

Mobile version

1. Open the channel chat and tap the channel name.

2. Click the link.

3. In the window that opens, click Copy Link.

4. Go to the page for adding ad space details and paste the link into the Link to resource field.

Note that not only the link itself, but also the channel name, may be copied to the clipboard.
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So, remove the name and keep only the link.

How to get a link to a WhatsApp group

Desktop version

1. Open the group chat and click the group name.

2. Select Members and click Invite to group via link.

3. In the window that opens, click Copy link.

4. Go to the page for adding ad space details and paste the link into the Link to resource field.

Mobile version

1. Open the group chat and tap the group name.

2. Scroll down to the members section and click Invite to group via link.

3. Then click Copy link.

4. Go to the page for adding ad space details and paste the link into the Link to resource field.

How to get a link to a Viber group

You can get the Viber group link only in the mobile version of the app.

1. Open the group chat and tap the group name.

2. Scroll down to the Participants section and tap Add Participants via Link.

3. Then click Copy link.

4. Go to the page for adding ad space details and paste the link into the Link to resource field.

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