Mobile (in-app) tracking

What is mobile tracking

Mobile tracking is a technology that allows tracking users' actions in a mobile app.

How can advertisers benefit from using mobile tracking

  • Your program will become more attractive for publishers.
    Publishers are more likely to join a program that offers mobile tracking because then they can be sure that every target action performed by the users they attracted will be registered and paid for.
    The more active publishers there are in your program, the more traffic and target actions they will bring, and the more revenue they will generate for you.

  • You will be able to analyze data by traffic types (mobile and desktop) which will help you to evaluate the effectiveness of your affiliate program more accurately.

How does it work

The moment a user clicks on an affiliate link, Admitad's server identifies the type of their device.

  • If the user followed the link from a mobile device, they will be redirected to either a mobile app (if it's installed on the device) or to the mobile version of your website—depending on the settings.

  • If the user is browsing from a PC or a laptop, the server will redirect them to the desktop version of the website.

In either case, the user's actions, whether they were performed in the app, or on the mobile or desktop version of the site, get tracked and registered in the reports.

What target actions can be registered through mobile tracking

Mobile tracking allows tracking various types of events and actions, such as:

  • App installation
  • User registration
  • Adding a product to a cart
  • Order placement
  • In-app order payment
  • Return to the application
  • Signing in to the application, etc.

The list of available events and actions depends on the integration method and internal settings.

How to set up mobile tracking: integration methods

If you have a mobile app, your manager will suggest that you activate mobile tracking when you launch your affiliate program in Admitad.

To set it up, select one of the following integration methods:

Integration through a tracking platform (Adjust, Singular, Appsflyer, Branch, MyTracker, Appmetrica)

We recommend that you choose this method if you are already connected to one of these platforms.

If you use Adjust or Singular, you need to set up integration of your mobile app with Admitad. To set up this integration, refer to the appropriate guide:

If you use Appsflyer, Branch, MyTracker, and Appmetrica, Admitad specialists can set up this integration for you, if you grant necessary access to your account on the tracking platform that you use.

Here's what you need to do:

1. Go to your account in the tracking system that you use.

2. Grant Admitad Partner Network partner access to your account settings.
Read your tracking system's documentation to learn how to do that.

3. Once access is granted, inform an Admitad Partner Network representative. They will send you further guidelines.


Integration through your own tracking system

We recommend that you choose this method if you have your own tracking system.

Contact your Admitad manager for more information.

How do I set up mobile tracking if my affiliate program was launched some time ago, but a mobile app has only just appeared?

Select the integration method that would suit you and contact your account manager.
They will tell you everything about how to set up mobile tracking in your program.

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