An affiliate link is a link to the advertiser website; it contains a unique identifier that indicates what publisher led a user to the website.
You need to deploy an affiliate link in your ad space. If a user follows it, lands on the advertiser website, and performs a target action there, you will get paid for that action.
To get an affiliate link, you have to join an affiliate program. How to join an affiliate program
Types of affiliate links: a standard link and a deeplink
There are two types of affiliate links:
- Standard affiliate link. Leads to the advertiser website's main page. A standard affiliate link is created automatically once you join a program. How to get a standard link
- Deeplink. Leads to a specific page on the advertiser website (e.g. a product/category/brand page). Deeplinks are created by publishers. How to get a deeplink
What type of affiliate link to use
We recommend that you use deeplinks. Statistics show that users perform target actions more often after they follow a deeplink more than a standard affiliate link.
Why we recommend deeplinks. If you use a deeplink, a user doesn't have to find a product you promote on the website or choose from a multitude of offers. Instead, they land straight on the page of the product you advertise, so it's easy for them to perform the action you expect from them.
Some programs do not support deeplink. If so, you can only use a standard affiliate link. How to find programs that support deeplinks
How to get a standard affiliate link
To get a standard affiliate link, you have to join a program.
You can get a link:
How to get a standard link in the Admitad Store catalog
1. Go to the Admitad Store catalog and check the Joined box in the left-side filter panel.
2. Find the program you need and click Joined.
3. A pop-up window will open.
Copy the standard affiliate link from the Copy link field and publish it in your ad space.
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How to get a standard link on the program page
1. Go to the Admitad Store catalog and check the Joined box in the left-side filter panel.
2. Find the program and go to its page. For that, hit the program logo (1), program name (2), or More button (3).
3. When on the program page, click Banners and Links.
4. Copy the link from the Copy link field and publish it in your ad space. How to use an affiliate link
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How to get a deeplink
Some programs do not support deeplink. If so, you can only use a standard affiliate link.
To find programs that support deeplinks, in the Admitad Store catalog, check the Deeplink box in the By tools filter. You will see all programs where you can get and use deeplinks.
You can get a deeplink:
- in the Admitad Store catalog
- on the affiliate program page
- through Admitad Extension.
- in Admitad Bot for Telegram
- using the Deeplink generator tool
- via API
Using Admitad Bot and Admitad Extension, you can get a deeplink even if you haven't joined a program. In other cases, you can only get a deeplink if you have already joined a program.
You will need a desktop or laptop to create a deeplink with Admitad Extension: it does not support mobile devices. In other cases, you can use any device to create a deeplink.
How to get a deeplink in the catalog
1. Go to the Admitad Store catalog and check the Joined box in the left-side filter panel.
2. Find the program you need in the list and click Joined.
3. A popup window will open, where you will be able to create a deeplink.
If the popup window does not have the Insert the link to the product or another website page field, this means the program does not support deeplinks. In this case, copy the standard affiliate link and publish it in your ad space. How to find programs that support deeplinks
4. In the new window, go to the advertiser website and open the page on which users will land after they follow the deeplink. It can be a page of a specific product. Copy the link to this page and paste it in the Insert the link to the product or another website page field.
5. Copy the deeplink from the Copy link field and publish it in your ad space.
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How to get a deeplink on the program page
1. Go to the Admitad Store catalog and check the Joined box in the left-side filter panel.
2. Find the program and go to its page. For that, hit the program logo (1), program name (2), or More button (3).
3. On the program page, click Banners and Links.
4. On the Banners and Links page, click Deeplink in the left-side menu or in the right side of the standard link block.
If the page with creatives has no Deeplink section or button, this program does not support deeplinks. In this case, copy the standard affiliate link and publish it in your ad space. How to find programs that support deeplinks
5. You will get to the deeplink creation page.
In the new window, go to the advertiser website and open the page on which users will land after they follow the deeplink.
Copy the page link and paste it to the Insert the link to the product or another page on the advertiser's website field (1). You will see a deeplink in the Copy deeplink field (2). Copy it and publish it in your ad space. How to use an affiliate link
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How to get a deeplink with Admitad Extension
Currently, the extension is only available from a desktop or laptop. The extension does not support mobile devices.
You can get a deeplink right on the advertiser’s website using Admitad Extension. The extension will automatically generate a deeplink for the current page and shrink it for easier use. If your ad space is not connected to the program, Admitad Extension will offer you to join. Download the extension
We have a separate article about the Extension.
To get a deeplink using the Extension:
1. Go to the page of the site that you want to create a deeplink to.
2. Open the extension, copy the deeplink, and publish it in your ad space. How to use an affiliate link
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How to get a deeplink via Admitad Bot in Telegram
To use Admitad Bot on your device, you need to have the Telegram messenger installed.
Admitad Bot is a Telegram bot that allows users to access the main features of their Admitad account.
How to get a deeplink using the Telegram bot:
1. Find Admitad Bot on Telegram and log in to your account following this guide.
2. Get a deeplink following this guide.
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Using Deeplink generator
Deeplink generator is a tool that allows creating several deeplinks to several pages of the advertiser website. Learn how to create a deeplink with this tool in this text.
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Deeplinks can be generated using the API method "Deeplink generator".