Brand Auditor

In case you don't want to work with particular ad spaces or traffic types, you can forbid them in program rules.

For instance, you promote your brand using contextual advertising and don't want publishers' ads to overlap yours. In this case, you forbid the "Brand bidding" traffic type. Further on, using your brand name in search requests will be considered a violation.

To track such violations, Admitad Quality Department uses the "Brand Auditor" tool.

How Brand Auditor works

Brand Auditor is a tool that checks search results of requests containing your brand name. The check is conducted in such search engines as Google, Bing, Yahoo, Yandex, and Mail.

If an advertisement is found, Brand Auditor determines what link is used in it. If the link is affiliate and belongs to Admitad's publisher, Brand Auditor records the violation. After that, employees of the Quality Department export the information on violations from Brand Auditor and send them to the account manager of your program.

Then, the decision on sanctions for the publisher is made. Sanctions can vary from issuing a warning to declining actions and disconnecting the publisher from the affiliate program.

What you need to do

Prepare a list of negative words that will be forbidden for publishers' use. Save it as an .xlsx file or simply a list, if there are not many such words.

The list must contain all the possible variations of the spelling of your brand's name including phrases or spelled with mistakes. For instance, another keyboard language or with typos.

Send this file to your account manager, and they will upload it to Brand Auditor. After that, the tool will start checking search results for cases of using your brand name in contextual ads and record violations.

Also, the manager will add negative words to the rules of your program, so publishers know which words and phrases are forbidden.

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