How to protect your Mitgo ID account

Do the following to safeguard your Mitgo ID account from hacking:

Set a strong password

Try to create a reliable password and only change it if necessary (how to change the password).

A strong password is a password that is difficult for a fraudster to guess.

To create a strong password, use:

  • Uppercase and lowercase Latin letters
  • Numbers
  • Special characters: ` ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) - _ = + [ ] { } ; : " | , . < > / ?.

Don't use any of the following as your password:

  • A password that you have already used for this account.

  • Passwords you use for other websites or apps. If a fraudster finds the password to your social media accounts, they are likely to try to log in to all your accounts: social media, email accounts, and bank accounts.

  • Simple words (world, store) and common combinations (123456, qwerty).

  • Personal information (full name, date of birth, passport/ID card details) that you specified on other websites and that is now public. Don't even use the details that seem unknown (e.g., your mother's maiden name).

Don't give your password to anyone

Right after you finish registration, you should be the only person who knows your password. The more people who know your password, the higher the chances are that a fraudster will access your account.

To avoid accidentally disclosing your password to fraudsters:

  • Don't give your password to anyone
  • Don't enter your password on suspicious websites

Don't use your password on other websites or services

A hacker who finds your password for another website will be sure to check if it's also used for your other accounts.

It's much safer to create unique passwords for accounts storing important information or managing your funds (e.g., Mitgo ID, your email, and your bank account).

Use a password manager to create strong passwords and store them safely instead of remembering them. Don't forget to read reviews about a program or extension before you trust it with your data.

Enable two-factor authentication

Two-factor authentication is the most reliable way to protect your account. Follow this guide to turn it on.

Mitgo ID uses Google Authenticator for two-factor authentication.


  • You can get codes in the app even when offline.

  • To get through this layer of protection, a hacker will need to steal your device and unlock it.

  • The app is more reliable than authentication via text message because it's impossible to hack an account by swapping the SIM card.

  • If you grant other people (e.g., employees to whom you delegate tasks) access to your account, you can enable two-factor authentication on several devices (see this guide).

More good security practices

Keep your software up to date

Be sure to update your software regularly. Outdated versions of the operating system, browser, or applications may be vulnerable.

Don't connect to untrusted networks

Avoid public Wi-Fi and other networks: hackers may use them to intercept your data.

Install antivirus software

Install antivirus software and only use secure applications and programs.

  • Make sure your devices are not infected with viruses or malware that may cause a data leak.

  • Check every new application or file that arrives on your device. Update your antivirus software and scan your devices regularly.

Only use official software

Download applications and programs from official sources. Avoid programs that suspicious people and companies share with you.

Most successful attacks come through fake websites, messages, and forms that look exactly like the ones you use but with some slight changes.

Always examine a link carefully before you click it. Read the sender address in messages and URLs of attached links.

Never click on unknown and/or suspicious links.

Only use reliable browser extensions

Browser extensions and apps can access information in your browser and on your device, which may result in your account getting hacked.

Only choose trusted and well-known extensions and applications. Don't install extensions unless necessary.

How to recover access to your account

See How to recover access to your Mitgo ID account.

What to do if you are hacked

If you notice something fishy about your account (e.g., you see an unknown IP or region in Active sessions), you may have been hacked.

Do the following:

1. Take a screenshot of the Active sessions section.

2. Terminate all active sessions except the current one.

3. Change your password. How to do that.

4. Contact support at as soon as possible.

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