Integrating a mobile app via AppMetrica

To be integrated with Admitad, your application must be integrated with the AppMetrica SDK. Learn more

If you have a mobile app, your manager will suggest that you activate mobile tracking for your affiliate program when you join the Admitad Partner Network.

Integrating a mobile app with Admitad includes three key steps:

  1. Integrating the app with AppMetrica
  2. Setting up integration on Admitad's end
  3. Setting up integration with Admitad on the mobile platform

Step 1. Integrating the app with AppMetrica

Integrate your app with AppMetrica

If you haven't integrated with AppMetrica yet, follow the instructions on the official website: Integration with AppMetrica

Set up sending target events from your app to the mobile tracker

The events in the app allow you to evaluate user engagement based on their behavior. Such events may include clicks on links, downloads, impressions, purchases, etc. Mobile tracking services help set up the events that the app will track.

Learn more about setting up events in AppMetrica:

Step 2. Setting up integration on Admitad's end

The process of setting up integration in your Admitad account includes the following steps:

Select the tracking type in the program

In your Admitad account, choose the action tracking type:

  • Browser

  • Mobile app

  • Browser and mobile app
  1. Go to your Admitad account → Profile.
  2. Select General settings.
  3. Proceed to Tracking and transition settings.
  4. In the Type of mobile tracking field, select AppMetrica
  5. In the Tracking action from field, select the tracking type from the dropdown list.

If you chose Browser and mobile application, copy the link from the Tracking link for the website field and paste it into the Tracking link for the mobile app field. It will be further replaced with another one.

Set up the target action in your Admitad account

You can now create a mobile action with the necessary in-app events:

  1. In your Admitad account, go to Program - Actions and rewards - New.
  2. Fill out the following fields:
  • Name. A descriptive name of the action that the publisher will see. The action name should be concise and easy to understand because it's shown in All Programs and on the program page (e.g., Purchase, Paid order, Request, etc.).
  • Channel. Leave this field empty.
  • Action from. Select the mobile tracker through which integration is configured.
  • InApp event. Select an option that seems most relevant to the target action.
  • Hold period. The period during which the actions should be processed. The standard value is 30 days. 
  • Status. Select the status. If you want the action to take effect immediately, select Active. Otherwise, leave it inactive. 
  • Vendor action. Leave this field empty.
  • System's fee. Leave this field empty.
  • System fee as a percentage of the total amount. Leave this field empty.
  • Commission. Set the type and amount of the reward.
    - Fixed — publishers will receive a fixed amount, regardless of the order amount.
    - Percentage — publishers will receive a percentage of the order amount. 
  1. Click Create.

Step 3. Setting up integration with Admitad on the mobile platform

The process of setting up integration in AppMetrica includes the following steps:

Add Admitad as a partner in the tracker

Important! In the AppMetrica service, the partner you add in AppMetrica should have the name AdmitAd — ID: 29.

Set up attribution

Attribution allows you to distribute the value between traffic sources that generated a conversion. In other words, this is a way to track the user's path from the first click to the target action. The attribution settings will determine whether the publisher receives their reward based on user behavior and how the user interacts with traffic sources. This, in turn, affects the attractiveness and success of the advertising campaign. Learn more about attribution methods and setup on the service website:

How to set up attribution in AppMetrica

Set up postback requests

Postback is a tool that notifies the partner when the user completes a target action (e.g., installs an application through their ads). Usually, HTTP requests are used for notifications.

Setting up postback requests in AppMetrica

Create a postback in AppMetrica as follows:

- For an install:{click_id}&oid={transaction_id}&tracking=install&adm_method=mob_tracker&adm_device=mobile&adm_method_name=appmetrica&adm_ostype={os_name}

- For a purchase:{click_id}&tracking=purchase&adm_method=mob_tracker&adm_device=mobile&adm_method_name=appmetrica&adm_ostype={os_name}&currency_code=&price=&oid=&sub={conversion_event_json}

The following values are used in the examples:

  • campaign_code is the unique campaign code
  • pk = is the campaign postback_key
  • uid is the {{admitad_uid}} value
  • tracking is the name of a certain In-App Event (according to the action name in the Admitad system)

oid is the value of order_id (this value will be displayed in Admitad personal cabinet statistics as an order/conversion number)

  • price is the order amount
  • currency_code is the currency code
  • device is the device info
  • wid = website_id, publisher ad space ID

Add a tracking link to your Admitad account

To enable Admitad to track user activity in your app, provide us with a tracking link. You can set up and get this link in the selected mobile tracking service.

Please note that in some services, link configuration depends on how many platforms (Android, iOS) your app runs on. You can only set one link for a mobile app in Admitad, so use one link from the mobile tracker for both operating systems (Android and iOS).

How to set up a tracking link in AppMetrica

Parameters you need to add to the tracking link:

  • required:


  • optional (can be added partially):


Test the integration

To check if the integration settings are correct, you might want to test everything before launching the advertising campaign. Learn more about testing methods for every service:

How to carry out testing in AppMetrica

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