Uploading promo code actions from a file

This text is for advertisers who don't have automatic sending of information on target actions performed with the use of promo codes assigned to specific publishers.

In this case, you have to regularly send target action data by uploading a file in the Uploading promo code actions section (menu → Finance → Uploading promo code actions).

The more often you send this information, the more appealing and reliable your program appears to publishers. Eventually, they will try to generate more orders and attract more customers for you.

You can automate sending of promo code data. For that, integrate your system with Admitad. Contact support at support@admitad.com or your manager to learn more.

How to upload promo code action data

Here's what you need to do to upload information on promo code actions:

1. Prepare the file you will upload. 

2. Upload the file to the system. 

If errors were made when completing the file, correct them, and upload the file again. Learn more about possible errors

How to prepare a file you will upload

1. Download the Template for uploading promo code actions and open it.

2. The file contains one sheet, into which you need to input data from your system.

 Don't create new sheets in the file: the system won't be able to process them. 

3. Fill out the required columns of the table:

  • promocode*. In this column, enter the keywords of the promo codes that were used in target actions (orders, purchases, etc.) 
    • Important. Only specify the promo codes that have already been added to your system and are unique for every certain publisher.

  • order_id*. In this column, enter the IDs of orders in your system that were placed using the corresponding promo codes
    • Important. Each order ID must be unique.

  • price*. In this column you specify the amounts of orders that were placed using the corresponding promo codes.
    • The number must be greater than zero.
    • Decimal numbers may not contain more than 2 digits after the decimal point
    • Specify the amount in your program's currency

4. The datetime_action column (date when the order with the promo code was placed) is optional.

When you fill out this column, publishers get more accurate reports on their placements and see which formats and publications drive more orders and customers.

Rules for filling out the datetme_action field:

  • Specify the date in the following format: DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm
    Example: 27.05.2024 16:50

  • Do not specify the following:
    • A date earlier than 180 days ago
    • A future date (UTC+3)

If you don't fill out the datetime_action column, the date when you uploaded the file to the system will be indicated automatically as the order placement date.

5. Save the file.

Done! You can now upload the file.

How to upload the promo code actions file

Note. If your program has several actions and/or rates, after processing the file, the system will calculate the publisher's reward according to the active action and/or rate that were created earlier than the others.

You can adjust the amount according to the relevant reward during verification.

The max file size is 10 MB.

1. In the Uploading promo code actions section (menu → Finance → Uploading promo code actions), click Choose File.

2. Select the file on your device.

3. Click Submit.

If the file is filled out correctly, you will see the message saying the file has been uploaded successfully: 

  • File processing takes from a few minutes to several hours.
  • After that, promo code actions will appear in the Reports section (learn more).

If errors were made when completing the file, you need to fix them and upload the file again. Learn more about possible errors

Possible file upload errors

If an error appeared on the upload page, fix this error in the corresponding line and column, then upload the file again.

Error text How to fix it
Invalid file format. Allowed formats: XLS or XLSX. Download the
Template for uploading promo code actions,
fill it out, and upload the file again.
File is damaged. Create a new file based on the template.
File is too large. Max file size is 10 MB. Check file size. If it's larger than 10 MB, try splitting the file into two or more. Then upload each of them.
Column names in the file don't match the template.

Make sure the column names in the file match those in the template, are located in the first row and in the right order:

promocode* | order_id* | price* | datetime_action

You can't use an empty file. Complete the file and upload it again. Make sure the file contains, apart from column names, at least one row with the promo code, order number, and order amount.
This is a required field. Make sure you have filled out all the required fields in the mentioned row. Fill out the fields in this row, or delete this row.
The promo code doesn't refer to the type of promo codes that are assigned to specific publishers.

Check the keyword in the promocode column: such a promo code:

  • must be used in your program; 
  • must be unique for a certain publisher. 

Correct the keyword, or delete the row where it's located.

No promo code with this keyword found in the program.
An action with this order ID already exists. Make sure you have specified in the order_id column a unique order ID that contains up to 100 characters.
Correct the order_id value, or delete the row where it's located.
Order ID cannot contain more than 100 characters.
Invalid format. You can only use numbers greater than 0: integers or fractions with a period or comma as a separator. Make sure the date in the mentioned row and in the datetime_action column:
  • has the following format: DD.MM.YYYY hh:mm; 
  • is not earlier than the earliest possible date (180 days ago); 
  • is not later than the current time (UTC+3).
You can't upload an action if the order was made more than 180 days ago.
You can't specify a future date.
There is no active action and rate in the program settings to calculate the reward. Add or activate at least one action. The rate should also be active. Make sure at least one action with an active rate was added to your program in the Actions section (menu → Program → Actions and rewards) and is active. Add or activate at least one action with an active rate.



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