Which program to choose: AliExpress WW or AliExpress RU&CIS

In the Admitad Store catalog, there are two AliExpress programs: AliExpress RU&CIS and AliExpress WW.

The main difference between them is the terms for crediting rewards:

  • in the AliExpress RU&CIS NEW program, full-rate payments are made only for target actions made by users from the following countries: Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan

  • in AliExpress WW, only target actions made by users in all the other countries are paid (Europe, America, Asia, Africa).

Please note: the list of countries in the program may change. Check the up-to-date list on every program's page under the Regions section

You can find more information under Comparing terms in AliExpress programs

Which program to choose

Choose the program depending on which countries you get the most traffic and target actions from.

If your traffic:

  • mainly comes from Asia, America, Africa and Euro, then connect your ad space to AliExpress WW

  • mainly comes from Russia, Georgia and CIS countries (except Ukraine), then connect your ad space to AliExpress RU&CIS NEW.

  • If your traffic is distributed evenly, then connect your ad space to both AliExpress programs. In this case, the system will automatically register target actions in the program in which the advertiser's rules dictate that an action from that region will be paid for even if you received this affiliate link in a different program.

You can find more information under Comparing terms in AliExpress programs

According to the advertiser's rules, a target action is paid for only if the region that the click was made in and the delivery region are compatible with the same program (either WW or RU&CIS). For example, if a click was recorded in China (WW) and the order was delivered to Azerbaijan (RU&CIS New), then you won't get the reward for that order.

Comparing terms in AliExpress WW and AliExpress RU&CIS NEW

  AliExpress WW AliExpress RU&CIS NEW
Currency the reward is paid in USD RUB
Regions Countries in Asia, America, Africa, and Europe (except CIS).

See the full list of programs on the program page under Regions.

Only Russia, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Moldova, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, and Uzbekistan.

You can find the full list of countries covered on the program page under Regions).
Target action

A paid order with two conditions fulfilled:

  • the click was made in a region covered by AliExpress WW
  • it's delivered to a region covered by AliExpress WW.

A paid order with two conditions fulfilled:

  • the click was made in a region covered by AliExpress RU&CIS NEW
  • it's delivered to a region covered by AliExpress RU&CIS NEW.
Rates Depends on the category of goods

See more on the program page.
Determined by AliExpress sellers.

See more on the program page.
Payment for target actions made in regions covered by the other program if the ad space is connected only to one of the programs. If the ad space is only connected to AliExpress WW, then target actions are only paid for actions made in regions covered by it. If the ad space is only connected to RU&CIS NEW, then rewards are paid for actions made in regions covered by both programs, but orders from AliExpress WW programs will be paid at a lower rate.
See more on the workflow sceme.
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