Bonuses and bonus programs

One of the methods to attract new publishers and encourage the ones who have already joined your program is launching a bonus program. Its terms can be any and depend on your goals. Most often, bonuses are paid for achieving a certain turnover or generating a number of sales or leads.

Also, using bonuses you can reward contest winners or make a one-time payment to a publisher for promotions on their ad space.

In Admitad, you can credit bonuses:

What type of bonus to choose

If you need to regularly pay bonuses to a significant number of publishers, it is more convenient to set up a bonus program. Bonuses will be automatically accrued for fulfilling the bonus program conditions. More on bonus programs

However, if you reward publishers for winning a contest or raffle (i.e., it is a one-time action and a smaller number of winners), it is easier to process a bonus manually. You will also have to use manual bonuses if the terms of your program do not allow you to launch a bonus program. More on manual bonuses

Bonus programs

A bonus program is a tool that you can use to further reward publishers for meeting certain conditions and thus encourage them to drive more traffic to your website.

Bonus programs are configured by Admitad managers. You can see a list of bonus programs in the Bonus programs section (Advertising tools → Extra reward → Bonus programs). How to launch a bonus program

When is it better to start a bonus program?

Some advertisers adhere to the principle “the more rewards for publishers, the better” and think that bonuses must be provided at the program start. At this stage, however, it is difficult to define the program terms because you have not yet got any data and you do not know the performance indicators of your publishers.

E.g. according to your preliminary forecasts, 20% of publishers will make a turnover of $1000 per month. You specify these amounts in the terms of the bonus program, start the program, and realize that 99% of publishers hardly earn $600. It turns out that though you have a bonus program on paper, it actually doesn't work.

That is why we advise you not to hurry with the bonus program. Launch your affiliate program, run it for some time, analyze your revenue and the activity of your publishers, and only then create a bonus program based on the received data. The program terms must be achievable. Only in this case, the program will be efficient.

How to launch a bonus program

To launch a bonus program, send your assigned manager the following details:

Bonus program name — a short description of the bonus program.


  • Reaching 20 orders
  • 70 to 399 granted loans (new client)

Bonus program participants: Specify to whom your bonus program will be available. You can make your bonus program:

  • Available to everyone. All publishers connected to your affiliate program will be able to participate in your bonus program and meet the requirements to get a bonus.

  • Available to selected publishers. Specify usernames of publishers to which you want to make your bonus program available.

    This access type will do great if you want to create a bonus program for major publishers and set custom, higher-difficulty terms for them.

  • Available to everyone except selected publishers. Your bonus program will be available to all publishers connected to your affiliate program except specific users. Specify usernames of these publishers, so the manager can exclude them from participants.

    This access type will work for you if you want to create a bonus program for minor-turnover publishers. In this case, you need to exclude all major publishers to which it will be easy to meet the program requirements.

Bonus period — specify a period for which the bonus program will remain active.


  • 3 months, starting 01.04.2021
  • from 01.05.2021 to 20.08.2021

Type of accruement — specify how many times a publisher can get rewarded during the bonus program period.

  • One-time — a publisher can get rewarded only once for the bonus program lifetime.
  • Regular — a publisher will be rewarded every month when they meet the bonus program conditions.

Bonus type — specify the type of condition that the publisher should meet to get rewarded.

  • For number of actions — the bonus is accrued if after processing all the actions made within a month, a publisher reaches the specified number of actions.
  • For total amount of orders — the bonus is accrued if the amount of all confirmed orders matches the one specified in the bonus conditions.
  • For order growth. The bonus is accrued if, after all orders for the current month are processed, the total number of the publisher's confirmed orders increased against the previous month by the value specified in the conditions.

Value range. Fill out this field accordingly to the option you selected in the Bonus type field:

  • If you chose "For number of actions", enter the range of the number of actions that the publisher has to generate.

  • If you chose "For total amount of orders", enter the range of the amount of orders that the publisher has to generate.

  • If you chose "For order growth", specify:
    • The percentage by which the number of orders should increase.
    • The minimum number of confirmed actions that the publisher has to exceed to meet the condition.


  • 100 to 199 actions
  • 200 to 400 USD
  • 30%

Bonus amount calculation scheme — specify one of the following schemes:

  • Recalculation using a new fixed amount
    The bonus amount is calculated by the formula:

    Number of orders * New increased fixed rate - The amount already credited to a publisher for these orders at the regular rate

    As per the terms of the bonus program, publishers get a higher fixed amount of $5 if they reach a turnover of more than $100 within a month. The publisher met the condition: brought 2 orders worth $102.50 within a month. They got paid $9.09 at the regular program rate.
    In this case, the amount of the bonus will be:
    2 (number of orders) * $5 (increased rate) - $9.09 (paid amount) = $0.91

  • Recalculation using an increased rate
    The bonus amount is calculated by the formula:

    The total amount of orders * New increased rate = The amount already credited to a publisher for these orders at the regular rate

    As per the terms of the bonus program, publishers get a higher percentage rate of 10% if they reach a turnover of more than $100 within a month. The publisher met the condition: they brought 2 orders worth $110 within a month. They got paid $6.6 at the 6% regular program rate.
    In this case, the amount of the bonus will be:
    $110 (total amount of orders) * 10% (increased rate) - $6.6 (paid amount) = $4.4

  • The percentage from the publisher's earnings (monthly earnings within your program)
    The bonus amount is calculated by the formula:

    Publisher's earnings * The interest

    If the regular accruement is set in the bonus program, monthly publisher's earnings with the program are considered.
    If the one-time accruement is set in the bonus program, the publisher's earnings for the period of activity of the bonus program are considered.

    As per the terms of the bonus program, publishers get 7% of their earnings as a bonus if they reach a turnover of more than $100 within a month. The publisher has met the condition: brought 2 orders worth $130 within a month. They got paid $9 at the regular program rate.
    In this case, the amount of the bonus will be:
    $9 (amount of orders) * 7% (interest) = $0.63

  • Fixed amount
    The bonus amount equals the amount indicated in the Payment amount field.

    According to the terms of the bonus program, publishers receive a $15 as a bonus if they generate orders for more than $100 in a month. The publisher met the condition and brought two orders for the total amount of $130. In this case, they will receive $15 as an extra bonus alongside their standard reward.

Payment amount
— specify the increased reward (fixed or percentage), percentage of the publisher's earnings, or a fixed reward.


10% or 5 USD

  • Bonus program name: Orders that amount from 200 to 400 USD.
    Bonus period: from 10.05.2021 to 31.07.2021
    Type of accruement: one-time
    Bonus type: for orders amount
    Value range: from 200 to 400
    Bonus program participants: all publishers Bonus amount calculation scheme: recalculation using an increased rate
    Payment: 10

The manager will create a bonus program and you'll be able to see it on the Active tab.

To change a bonus program or deactivate it earlier than the scheduled end date, contact your assigned manager.

The accruement is conducted after all the publisher's actions for the month in question are processed, if the confirmed amount or number of actions matches the conditions of the bonus program.


Manual bonuses

The manual bonus is a one-time reward or compensation to the publisher from the advertiser. A manual bonus is accrued as an exact amount in the program currency.

When manual bonuses are paid 

Manual bonuses are paid in the following cases:

  • As a reward for winning a contest or giveaway carried out by the advertiser in their program.
  • As payment for additional ad placement (a product video review or the email advertising of a brand) on their ad space as agreed.
  • As a reward for participating in the bonus program if its terms don't allow setting up automatic bonuses.

How to accrue a manual bonus

The bonus can be awarded in two ways:

How to accrue the bonus yourself

1. Go to the Bonus history section (Advertising tools → Extra reward ➝ One-time bonuses) and in the upper-right corner click Add a bonus.

2. Fill out the following fields:

  • Publisher: start entering a login of the publisher to whom you want to accrue the bonus and select it from the drop-down list.
  • Amount: specify the bonus amount in the currency of the affiliate program.
  • Reason for bonus accrual:
    If the bonus is granted for a paid ad placement on the publisher's ad space, select the appropriate placement type from the list.
    If the appropriate placement type is missing, select Other custom placement.
    If the bonus is not subject to a paid ad placement, select Other reason for bonus accrual.
  • Comment: this field is required if you selected Other custom placement or Other reason for bonus accrual. Specify, in your own words, why the bonus is being credited.


3. Click Accrue bonus.

Once created, the bonus gets the On hold status.

Then the manager will check the bonus. If everything is correct, the manager will confirm the bonus, and its status will change to Approved. After that, the bonus will be credited to the publisher.

How to accrue the bonus through manager

Send to your manager the following data:

  • The login of the publisher to whom you want to credit the bonus.
  • The bonus amount in the program currency.
  • The reason for awarding a bonus.

    If it's paid advertising on the publisher's ad space, choose the appropriate option from the list below and specify it as the reason:
    • a sponsored post on social networks, blogs, forums, or content sites;
    • product or brand review
    • banner placement
    • premium placement
    • messenger advertising
    • email advertising
    • video advertising (pre-roll, post-roll, mid-roll)
    • CPC (cost per click) — payment for advertising per user clicks
    • CPM (cost per mille) — payment for advertising per 1000 displays of the ad unit

    If a relevant reason is missing from the list, or if the bonus is not related to paid placement, provide a free-form description of why the publisher will be receiving the bonus.

According to these data, the manager will check and create a manual bonus for the publisher. The bonus gets the On hold status. If everything is correct, the manager will confirm the bonus, and its status will change to Approved. After that, the bonus will be credited to the publisher.

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