Coupons and promo codes: how to add promo codes or deals to an affiliate program

We recommend watching this video, which makes it easier to understand and follow the process of adding promo codes and deals to your affiliate program.

In the Coupons and promo codes section, you can add coupons, deals, and promo codes that publishers will use to promote your brand.

Coupons and promo codes in a program:

  • Help publishers better promote your products and services and attract more customers.

  • Increase publisher interest in contributing to your program.

Coupons and promo codes is a great tool for "Online stores" and "Online services" programs.


In the Coupons and promo codes section, you can add:

  • Coupons and promo codes. These are special offerings (discounts, free delivery, etc.) that can be applied to an offer if the user enters a special code word.

    Example: Get $10 off orders from $200 with promo code MARCH10

  • Deals are discounts and other special offerings for customers. A deal applies to a specific product category or any order in which the customer completes all the conditions of the deal. In this case, the user doesn't need to enter any special code word.

    Example: Free delivery for orders from $150

How to add coupons, deals, and promo codes

You can add coupons and promo codes:

How you can add a coupon, promo code, or deal on your own

You can add coupons, promo codes, or deals:

How to add a coupon, deal, or promo code manually

Adding a promo code upon the publisher's request

1. Open Promo code requests (Advertising tools → Promo code requests).

2. Next to the required request, click in the Action column.

3. You'll be taken to the page of adding a new promo code. The field Request ID in the "Promo code requests" tool will be filled in automatically.

Specify the information about the promo code in each block as described below and click Save.

Make sure that you've specified the publisher who requested a promo code. the request includes a personal promo code, make sure to check the Personal promo code for publisher option.

Adding a coupon, deal, or promo code

1. Go to the Coupons & deals section (Advertising tools → Coupons).

2. Click Add new coupon or deal.


3. Specify all necessary information about the coupon, deal, or promo code in each section (as described below) and click Save.

How to fill in the infromation about a promo code

  • If you're adding a promo code via the Promo code requests tool, the field Request ID in the "Promo code requests" tool will be filled automatically.
    If you're using the Add new coupon or deal button in the Coupons & Deals section, this field will be optional.

    1. In the Brief description field, give a brief description of the deal or coupon.

    • Get $70 OFF plane tickets
    • 30% OFF knitted clothes
    • Free hand care cream with every order!
    • Free shipping
    • Seasonal sale! Get up to 80% OFF!

    Don't specify further details (e.g., "for orders over $100", "discounts are not cumulative"). You can describe all that in the Additional terms field.

    If you're creating a deal instead of a promo code, jump to Step 4.

    2. In the Personal promo code for publisher, check the corresponding box if you want to create a personal promo code.

    A Personal promo code is a unique promo code that is assigned to a specific publisher. It contains a unique code word by which target actions are tracked. When publishing such a promo code, a publisher doesn't have to use an affiliate link. Additional integration setup may be required to provide personal promo codes to publishers. Learn more

    In this case, the unique value will be automatically set in the Promo code field.

    3. What to do with the Promo code field depends on which promo code you want to create and to whom it should be available.

    • To create a promo code available to all publishers in your program, specify the promo code's code word and jump to Step 4.

    • To create a promo code available to a specific publisher, group, or channel, specify the promo code's code word. Do the following:
      • Click Add another promo code.
      • In the new field, enter the promo code's code word and click Customize targeting.
      • Flag the target channel or group or enter the publisher's username in the search field and flag it.
      • At the bottom of the window, click Apply and go to Step 4.

    • To create a personal promo code, make sure the Personal promo code for publisher box is flagged. Do the following:
      • Click Add another promo code.
      • In the new field, enter the promo code's code word and click Customize targeting.
      • In the search field, enter the username of the publisher for which you are creating a personal promo code and flag it.
      • At the bottom of the window, click Apply and go to Step 4.

    4. In the Additional terms field, describe the restrictions, requirements, or terms of the promo code or deal.


    • The promo code must be entered.
    • The deal applies to (list products or product groups).
    • The deal only works for new customers.
    • The minimum order amount is XXX.
    • Cannot be combined with other discounts.
    • Free delivery only in (list cities).

    Specify the terms one by one as regular sentences: starting with a capital letter and ending with a period.

    Here's what a coupon or promo code will look like in the publisher account:


    5. Select the promo code, deal, or coupon language from the Language dropdown list.

    The selected language must match the language in which you filled out the Brief description and Additional terms fields.

    With this option, publishers can easily find coupons, deals, and promo codes in the language their audience speaks.

    Now move on to configuring the Categorization section.

  • 1. In the Categories section, flag the categories to which your coupon, deal, or promo code will apply.

    • For instance, if it's 30% off outerwear, choose the Clothing category.

    • Choose the category based on the terms of the coupon, promo code, or deal rather than your field of activity. For example, if you run an apparel store, but you are adding a coupon or deal for costume jewelry, choose the Watches & Jewelry category.

    2. In the Type of coupon or deal section, choose the type of your coupon, promo code, or deal.

    • Free shipping: Provides free order delivery.

    • A gift to an order: The customer gets a gift with the order.

    • Discount on an order.

    3. In the Regions section, check the countries to which this coupon, deal, or promo code will apply.

    You can select countries that are specified are regions of your programs in the <b settings (menu → Program → Program settings → General settings).

    When choosing regions, focus on the language in which the description and terms of your promo code, deal, or coupon are written.

    • If you are adding a coupon with descriptions and terms in German, select only German-speaking countries.

    • If the offering is active in other non-German-speaking countries, add another coupon with the same terms but in English after choosing non-German-speaking countries.

    • If you are adding a coupon that only works in Spain, specify Spain only in regions and don't add other Spanish-speaking countries.

    After choosing the regions, verify that your selection doesn't include regions where the offering is unavailable or where publishers will not understand the coupon or deal's description.

    4. In the Format section, select one of the following options:

    • Promo code if you are adding a coupon or promo code.
    • Deal if you are adding a deal.

    5. Special category. Skip this field.

    Now start configuring the Additional information section.

  • 1. In the Time of action field, do the following:

    • Set the start and end time of the deal or promo code. This way, you can add coupons or deals a few days before they actually become active. They will be activated automatically on the selected date.

    • Flag the Unlimited option if you want the deal or promo code to remain active until you deactivate it manually (here's how you can do that).

    Specifics. The start and end times for deals and promo codes are set for UTC+3, no matter your time zone. You can't set the start time that is earlier than the current UTC+3 time.

    If the Unlimited option is flagged, the start time will be the current UTC+3 time, regardless of the time zone where the deal or coupon was added.

    . You're in Astana, where it's 5 PM (UTC+6). The coupon must be activated in 30 minutes, at 5:30 PM. Subtract the time difference with UTC+3 (i.e., 3 hours) and set the result as the start time in coupon settings. In this case, it will be 2:30 PM.

    . If it's 11 AM UTC+3, you can't set 10:45 AM on the same date, no matter where you are physically located.

    2. In the Notification field, set the coupon/deal expiration reminder so you can extend it timely or have enough time to upload new promo codes or add a new deal.

    To do so:

    • Flag the Notify box.

    • Indicate when you want to receive the notification (number of days before the expiration date). It will be sent to the email address specified in the account settings.

    Don't forget to enable the corresponding type of notifications in settings (see these instructions).

    3. From the Status dropdown list, select:

    • Active if you need
      • the coupon, deal, or promo code to become active right after being added
      • the scheduled coupon, deal, or promo code to activate at the set time.

    • Inactive if you plan to activate the coupon, deal, or promo code later.

    4. You can flag the Do not display as "coming soon" option if you don't want to disclose the promo code or deal in advance. In this case, they won't be shown to publishers.

    Pro tip. You'd better not use this option. As long as it's disabled, information about upcoming deals and offers will be available to publishers in advance. This way, they'll have enough time to design their promos and content plans and attract more customers.

    5. Add the link in the Transition link field for users to click.

    If you create a personal promo code, you don't have to add a link.

    To make sure visitors are taken straight to the sale or promoted product's page, create and insert the link for the related deal, promo code, or coupon.

    Here's how to create a link:

    • Copy the landing page link and paste it into the Transition link field.

    • In the new window, go to Program → General settings. From the Tracking link for the website field, copy the parameters—all characters starting from the question mark.


    • Return to the Adding a new coupon or deal page and paste the copied parameters right after the landing page link.


    Sometimes the landing page link contains an anchor:

    In this case, the second part of the link (one with the parameters) is pasted after the "/" but before the "#":{{admitad_uid}}#item158985

    Don't place the slash before the anchor (after the parameters).

    If the Transition link field remains empty after you add the coupon, the visitors will land on the advertiser website through their standard transition link—i.e., on the main page.

    When ready, check again that the Transition link field is either empty or contains a link with parameters. If the link is added but doesn't contain the parameters, target actions won't be tracked.

    6. Flag the Exclusive option if this deal, promo code, or coupon is only available to Admitad Partner Network publishers.

    7. In the Coupon discount field, enter a discount percentage or an absolute value in a currency (e.g., 13% or $10).

    Move to the Promo code or deal targeting section.

  • This section is unavailable when adding a personal promo code.

    By default, any deal or promo code is available to all publishers.

    If you want to go the other way, in the Channels, Groups, and Publisher fields, select who will see the promo code or deal you add.

    If you're adding a promo code using the Promo code requests tool, you'll be able to target it only to one publisher, who has requested it. Make sure you specify them and only them.

How to add coupons using a file

To add multiple coupons and promo codes at once:

1. Prepare the loading file.
2. Upload the file to the system.

Preparing a file for upload

1. Download the Template_for_uploading_coupons_and_discounts.xlsx file and open it.

The file contains several worksheets:

  • Create Coupons is your worksheet. This is where you enter coupon and promo code data.
  • All other worksheets are directories, and you can't edit them.
    These worksheets contain values that you can use for the corresponding columns in the Create Coupons sheet.

Do not delete or swap sheets and columns in the file, or the system will not be able to process the file correctly when it is loaded.

2. Go to the Create Coupons sheet and fill out the columns of the spreadsheet.

In the file, under the first line, you will see a line with an example of filling all columns of the spreadsheet. Delete it after entering the data about the promo codes you want to add.

Below you will see the recommendations for completing the file. Required columns are marked with the asterisk (*).

  • Required fields are marked with an asterisk*.

    Brief description*. Give a short overview of the deal or coupon.
    The limit is 100 characters.


    • Get $70 OFF flight tickets
    • 30% OFF knitted clothes
    • Free shipping

    This field is not for describing detailed deal terms (e.g., "for orders from $20" or "is not cumulative with any other discount"; this information must be specified in the next column, Additional terms).

    Additional terms*. Specify the conditions, restrictions, or requirements the order must meet or comply with to be subject to the discount.


    • The deal applies to (list products or product groups).
    • The deal only works for new customers.
    • The minimum order amount is XXX.

    Transition link. Specify the link in the format{{admitad_uid}}/, so users land straight on the sale or promotional product page.

    If you are creating a personal promo code, you don't have to add a link.

    Unless you don't specify the link, a standard affiliate link that leads to the home page of the affiliate program website will be used by default.

    Discount value*. Specify the discount percentage or absolute value.
    Format: integer number, without the currency or percentage sign.
    The max discount percentage is 99.
    The max absolute value is unlimited.

    Currency*. Specify the currency code if the discount is a fixed amount. You can choose the currency code from the dropdown list when editing the cell.
    Specify the % sign if the discount is provided as a percentage.

    Country*. The coupon will only be displayed to publishers from the selected countries.
    If you want the coupons to only be displayed to publishers from specific countries, list the values separating them with a semicolon (;). You can find the possible values on the Countries sheet.

    Example: LT;SE

    Coupon language*. Specify the language in which you filled out the Brief description and Additional terms fields. Publishers will use this information to quickly find coupons in the language their audience speaks.
    You can find the possible values on the Coupon language sheet.

    Example: RU

    Exclusive*. This mark indicates a coupon exclusive to Admitad Partner Network publishers.
    Select a value from the list:

    • Yes, if the coupon is exclusive.
    • No, if the coupon is not exclusive.

    Personal. This mark means that the promo code is a personal promo code, which means actions are attributed based on the promo code value assigned to a specific publisher (rather than based on the UID).

    • Yes means the promo code is a personal promo code.
    • No means the promo code is a normal promo code.

    Publisher usernames. If this column is completed, the coupon will be only available to the specified publishers.

    This field is required if you are creating a personal promo code.

    If you need to enter several values, separate them with a semicolon (;).
    The coupon will be available to all publishers if this column is empty.

    Example: publisher1;publisher2.

    Promo code. Enter the promo code value.
    This field is required if Yes is specified in the Personal column.

    Example: WINTER30

    Format. Coupon format: deal or promo code.

    • If the Promo code column is filled out, specify promocode.
    • If the Promo code column is empty, specify action.

    Categories. Specify the category identifier.
    You can find categories and their identifiers on the Categories sheet.

    Special category. Leave this field empty.

    Coupon types*. Specify one of the values depending on the coupon type:
    1 — Free shipping
    2 — Order discount
    3 — Gift to an order

    Start date and End date. These fields define the coupon's validity period.
    Format: DD:MM:YY HH:MM

    • If the coupon has an unlimited validity period, do not specify the end date.
    • If the coupon is supposed to remain valid for a limited period, specify the end date.
    • If the coupon should become valid on a specific day in the future, specify such a day in the field Start date.

    If you don't specify the start date, the system will create a coupon with a date and time matching those when the file was uploaded to the system (UTC+3).
    If you specify the start date but don't specify the time, the system will add the time 12:00 UTC+3.

    The start and end times of coupons and promo codes are set in UTC+3, no matter your time zone. You can't set the action time that is earlier than the current time in UTC+3.

    Example: You are in Astana, it's 5 PM (UTC+3). The coupon must start in half an hour at 2:30. Subtract the time difference UTC+3 (i.e., 3 hours) and set the result as the start time in the coupon settings. In this case, it will be 2:30 PM.
    BUT: If it's 11 AM UTC+3, you can't set 10:45 AM for the same date, no matter where you are physically located.

    Expiry notification. Specify when you would like to be notified about the coupon expiry (days before the end date). The notification will be sent to the email address specified in the account settings.
    Format: integer value.
    Max value: 6.

    Status*. Coupon status. Specify one of the following values:

    • active if you want the coupon to become active right after you upload the file to the system
    • inactive if you want the coupon to remain inactive until you change its status

    Do not display as coming soon*. This option defines whether publishers will see coupon info before it becomes valid. Specify one of these values:

    • Yes — the coupon will be hidden from publishers until the start date.
    • No — the coupon will be available to publishers right after the file is uploaded to the system. This option is preferable. This way, publishers will learn about the upcoming deals and offerings in advance and will have enough time to design promos and the content plan and therefore will attract more customers.

    Groups. If you want to make a coupon available only to a specific group of publishers, enter the group name in this column. If you need to enter several groups, separate each one with a semicolon (;).

    Channels. If you want to make a coupon available only to a specific channel of publishers, enter the channel name in this column. If you need to enter several channels, separate each one with a semicolon (;).

3. After you've entered all the coupon/promo code/deal information, remove the line that was shown as an example, then save the file.

If you are not authorized to upload a file with coupons, deals, or promo codes, send the file to your account manager or contact support (follow these instructions).

Uploading the data file to the system

The max file size is 10 MB.

1. In the Coupons & deals section, click Import coupons.


2. In the import window, click Choose File and specify the path to the completed coupons and/or deals file. Click Submit.


3. Coupons and/or deals will be uploaded to the system. After that, they will be shown:

  • In the list of coupons and discounts on your personal account.
  • In the publisher account: in the section with deals and coupons from advertisers.
    If Start Date is later than the current date or the coupon status is "inactive", it won't be displayed to publishers.

After the upload is finished, you will be able to edit the coupon in your personal account.

Possible upload errors

If some fields were incorrectly completed when creating a coupon and discounts file, the system will report errors when uploading the file.


Fix the errors in the respective lines, then upload the file again.

  • Error text Description
    Currency (currency) does not exist. Correct the value in the Currency column. Only use the codes listed on the Currencies sheet.
    Enter a correct coupon validity period. Specify the Start Date and/or the End Date in the following format: DD:MM:YY HH:MM.
    The start date must be earlier than the end date. Correct the values in the Start date and End date columns.
    This field cannot be empty./This field cannot be null. Enter the data in the string and column specified in the error message text.
    Coupons cannot be launched backdated. Correct the value in the Start date column: it must be later than the current date.
    Specify the discount. Fill out the Discount column.
    The max discount is 99%. Correct the value in the Discount column.
    Select a valid number of days for notification. The max number is 6. Correct the value in the Expiry notification column.
    There are no channels with ID={channel name} in this program, or they are inactive. Correct the value in the Channels column.
    There are no groups with ID={group name} in this program, or they are inactive. Correct the value in the Groups column.
    Promo code "promo code name" already exists. Correct the value in the Promo code column.
    One personal promo code must be assigned to one publisher. If yes is specified in the Personal column, the value in the Promo code column must be unique.
    Publishers with usernames {webmaster_logins} do not exist. Correct the username(s) in the Publishers column. Make sure the publisher(s) has/have joined the program.
    Invalid file name Correct the file name. Don't use special characters in the name.
    Cannot define file parameters. The file may have been damaged. Download the template again and complete it.
    Invalid form. Fix the errors below. The upload file must be in the XLSX or XLS format.
    File is too large: {file size}. Max file size: 10 MB. Check the file size. It must not exceed 10 MB. To reduce the file size, split the spreadsheet into several parts and upload each part in a separate file.

How to add coupons or promo codes through a manager

To do that, provide the manager with all the necessary details of the coupons or promo codes that you need to add to your program. Provide information in a spreadsheet.

1. Download the file Coupon and deal upload template.xlsx and fill it out following this guide.

2. Send the file to your manager.
They will upload all the mentioned coupons and promo codes to your programs and let you know when it's done.

3. After that, all the uploaded coupons and promo codes will appear in Coupons and deals.

How to edit a coupon or promo code

If you are not authorized to edit coupons or promo codes, ask your manager or the support desk ( for help.

The Tools column offers the following actions:

  • Reports. Opens the coupon's daily reports for the current month. In the report filter, the coupon is featured as a banner. Learn more in Coupon performance analysis.

  • Copy. Creates a coupon/deal/promo code copy and opens it, so the user can edit it. It may come in handy when you need to create copies for other languages or with other targeting settings.

  • Edit.

  • Disable/Enable.

You can manage several elements at a time. To do that, select them (by checking boxes) and choose the action in the Apply to the selected coupons field:


Coupons and iframe

In the publisher account, the following types of links are displayed:

  • A link leading to the deal page


  • The coupon or promo code header in iframe is displayed in the upper part of the page


If your website doesn't support iframe or you don't want to use it, forbid this type of coupon traffic. To do that, contact your manager. They will flag the corresponding box in General settings.

If iframe is forbidden, publishers can only use the links leading to the page of a particular deal. Those links will automatically replace all the links with iframe that have already been deployed in publishers' ad spaces.

Analyzing coupon performance

You can check which of the added coupons turned out to be more converting in the Reports on banners section (Reports → On banners). Despite the name, this section contains data not only for banners but also for coupons and the default affiliate link.


The report shows the following:

  • Number of clicks for every coupon and eCPC (effective Cost per Click)

  • Average conversion rate per coupon (CR)

  • Actions performed after clicking on a coupon.
    The actions are grouped by status (on hold, confirmed, declined) and by type (lead or sale). Every column contains the total amount of sales and leads with this status. For confirmed actions, you'll see the approval rate, which indicates the ratio of confirmed actions (leads and sales) to the total number of processed actions, both confirmed and declined. If there are no confirmed or declined actions, "—" will be in the column.

When comparing coupons, go by the number of confirmed actions and the related amount.

Specifics of personal promo codes

A personal promo code is a unique promo code that is assigned to a specific publisher.

Publishers can share such promo codes without using an affiliate link since target actions performed with the use of a personal promo code are tracked by the code word.

Currently, the setting allowing personal promo codes is enabled by default when integrating advertiser websites with Admitad.

However, if you are a long-standing partner of Admitad but have never provided publishers with personal promo codes, you might need to update integration settings to make sure your program will allow them.

To allow personal promo codes in your program, contact your manager or the support desk:

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