Hot Products in AliExpress Programs

Hot Products is a catalog of certain products that you can get bigger rewards for in AliExpress programs.

The reward you get for Hot Products items may be up to 69% of the product's price, but will be no greater than $38. See more about the terms and conditions for accruing rewards here

Every product from the Hot Products list has its own affiliate link. It's this link that needs to be posted on the ad space in order to get the increased reward for buying something from the Hot Products list.

You can:

In order to get special links to Hot Products items, your ad space must be connected to the corresponding AliExpress program. How to connect an ad space to a program

In order to get a special link:

1. Go to the Hot Products section (in the menu on the left) on the page of the AliExpress program that your ad space is connected to:

2. Find the required item in the list, using either:

  • the search bar to search by product ID
  • the filter to search by product category or price range.


3. Click link-icon.png (Get affiliate link) opposite the item in question.

A form called Product code and link with the following fields:

  • Ad Space - choose the ad space that you plan to post the special link to the Hot Product item on.
    • If you only have one ad space, then you'll only be able to choose that one.
    • If none of your ad spaces are connected to this AliExpress program, then that field will be empty, and you won't be able to get a link.

  • SubID – this field will allow you to give the SubID parameter, and it'll be automatically added to the affiliate link. Using this SubID, you can track information about the link once it's been posted in the Report on SubID section.

  • Affiliate link - a special affiliate link to the Hot Products item.

  • HTML code - a code for placing the Hot Products item as a banner with a caption and embedded affiliate link.

4. Copy the affiliate link and post it on your ad space.

To shorten the link and make it more visually appealing, use the Shortlink tool.

If your ad space is connected to the AliExpress RU&CIS NEW program, and the deeplink you posted leads to a Hot Products item, then you'll still get the increased reward when the item is bought.

How to get a feed of Hot Products items

In order to get special links to Hot Products items, your ad space must be connected to the corresponding AliExpress program. How to connect an ad space to a program

You can:

How to get a CSV feed in the Hot Products section

1. Go to the Hot Products section (in the menu on the left) on the page of the AliExpress program that your ad space is connected to:

2. In the upper-right corner, click Download the whole feed.

Before downloading the feed, you can set up a filter so that only products from specific categories or price range make it onto the feed.

The feed will be downloaded onto your device automatically.
Note that in the CSV file:

  • product prices will be shown under the currencyId column in the program's currency
  • special affiliate links to products will be shown under the url column.

How to get a Hot Products feed in the Product feeds section

1. Go to the Original section in your personal account (menu→ Product feedsOriginal).

2. In the Original Product Feed section, fill out the following fields:

  • Ad Space – choose one of your ad spaces that is connected to an AliExpress program and that you want to get a feed for.

  • Advertiser - choose a program that your ad space is connected to: AliExpress WW or AliExpress RU&CIS NEW.

  • Feed – choose:
    • Hot Products if you chose AliExpress WW in the previous field
    • AliExpress RU HotProducts if you chose AliExpress RU&CIS NEW in the previous field.

  • Currency - choose the currency that you want to be used in your feed.

  • Catalog format – choose the format of the product feed file. You can choose XML, CSV, and Google Merchant.

  • Discounted products only – check this box so that only discounted goods appear in the feed.

3. Click Generate.
A link to the feed you've created will appear in the Generated link field.

4. Copy the link and paste it in the address bar in a new tab in your browser.
The feed will automatically be downloaded to your device.

5. Use the feed you've received on your ad space.

Conditions for accruing rewards for Hot Products items

  • The reward you get for Hot Products items may be up to 69% of the product's price, but will be no greater than $38.

  • The seller sets the interest rates regardless of the region of delivery.

  • Users need to click on a special affiliate link and buy Hot Products items in order for you to get an increased reward for Hot Products items.

  • If there are several Hot Products items in an order, then the increased reward will only be applied to the items that the user added to their cart after clicking on the special affiliate link.

    1. A user clicked on a special Hot Products link on a publisher's ad space and ordered product X.
    2. Then, the user continued making purchases on the site and ordered two more products (Y and Z), which are also Hot Products items.

    In this case, the publisher will only get an increased reward for product X, since when ordering products Y and Z, the user didn't initially click on any special affiliate links.

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