How are the actions tracked

Action tracking is the basis of functioning of an affiliate network. Without it, it is impossible to figure out whether users came on their own or were attracted by a publisher, whether they made an action, and if so, which publisher it should be allocated to.

In Admitad, action tracking is based on the unique click ID called admitad_uid, which is contained in each affiliate link. When the user clicks on the publisher's affiliate link and goes to the advertiser’s website, the advertiser's system checks if the user’s browser has admitad_uid. If so, the system identifies the user as a participant of an affiliate program and continues to track their activity on the website. After the user makes an action and gets to the thank-you page, the system checks admitad_uid again. In case of a positive reply, the information about the action is sent from the advertiser's side to the Admitad side and appears in the reports of the publisher who attracted this user.

The delay between the moment the action was performed and the moment it appeared in the statistics may take from 15 to 30 minutes. In case of a significant load on the system, it may take a few minutes longer.

We would like to remind you that if you use common links, not affiliate links, users’ actions will not be tracked, as they do not contain admitad_uid.

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