How to find caps and MMP links

Caps and MMP links for your connected sources are available on the Cap & Links page. By default, data for the current month is shown.

You can sort data by:

  • offers
  • sources
  • time.

Cap statuses

The status shows how much of the cap has already been used:

InCorrect-icon-in-sticker-style-on-transparent-background-PNG.pngthe cap is reached. Overcapped events are not monetized and are not shown in statistics. You need to adjust your strategy to optimize the offer performance.

alert.png80% of the cap has been used.

blue-check-mark.png ー less than 80% of the cap has been used.

You can see how much of the cap has been set and already used for each source. For example: 9/10 ー cap used/cap set.

You will receive notifications when 80% and 100% of the cap has been used. Notifications are sent to your personal account, Telegram bot, and email.

You can connect a Telegram bot in your profile.

You will also receive notifications when caps are set or updated, MMP links are created or modified.

Czy ten artykuł jest pomocny?
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