Program Rating

The program rating is one of the most important indicators that help publishers to estimate the quality of the program and to understand whether it is worth joining. By this parameter affiliate programs are sorted out in the Admitad Store catalog in the publisher account. So, if you want your program to be in the top of Admitad Store, you must constantly work on your rating.

The rating is in:

  • The program catalog. The maximum rating is 5 stars.



  • Your personal account in the center on the top panel of the profile. The maximum rating is 10 stars.



In the program catalog, the rating is based on a 5-star scale while in the personal account it is based on a 10-star scale. That is why the rating in the personal account is two times higher than it is in the program catalog.


What affects the program rating?

The rating is calculated based on the data on all active programs for the last 83 days.

  • Average processing time — the average time for processing actions: the quicker you process your actions, the better this indicator is.
    How to improve: Do not delay verifications and you certainly should not go beyond the hold time.
  • Approval rate — the higher the share of approved actions the higher this indicator is.
    How to improve: Decline actions only if you have justified grounds for this (order was canceled or returned, a publisher violated the rules); if you still have to decline actions, always specify the reason for it in the comments.
  • Conversion rate (CR) — the more users who were led to your website became your customers the higher this indicator is.
    How to improve: Try improving your website's convenience for users, so that nothing prevents and distracts them from performing a target action.

By improving individual indicators, you will be able to boost the general rating.

At the moment, we’re testing a rating system that incorporates evaluation points given by publishers. It means that a publisher who joined your program can evaluate it.

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