Why the Join or Apply for moderation button is inactive in the program card/missing on the program page

The Join or Apply for moderation button may be inactive in the program card or missing on the program page for one of the following reasons:

Below you’ll find a description of each reason and corresponding instructions.

The program doesn’t allow the traffic type your ad space belongs to

When you hover the cursor over the Join or Apply for moderation button, you’ll see the following hint in the program card:

The program doesn’t support ad spaces of this type. You can see the allowed ad space types in the program rules.

What to do:

  • Join another affiliate program in Admitad Store.
    Use the Traffic sources filter to find the programs that allow your ad space traffic type.

  • Or add a new ad space that generates traffic of the allowed type.
    To find out which traffic types are allowed in the program, go to the Traffic sources section (Menu → Rules → Traffic sources).

The advertiser stopped connecting new publishers to their program

When you hover the cursor over the Join or Apply for moderation button, you’ll see the following hint in the program card: 

The program has stopped connecting new publishers

What to do: 

  • Join another affiliate program in Admitad Store.
  • Wait for a while and try joining this program again after the advertiser starts connecting new publishers again.

You didn’t confirm ownership of your ad space

When you hover the cursor over the Join or Apply for moderation button, you’ll see the following hint in the program card: 

Verify that you own the ad space to join programs. How to confirm ownership

What to do: Confirm ownership of your ad space following this guide.

Your account is being checked by the Admitad quality department

When you hover the cursor over the Join or Apply for moderation button, you’ll see the following hint in the program card:

Your account is being moderated. You cannot join programs until moderation is finished.

During moderation, some account features are limited. Learn more about moderation, its timeframe, and related restrictions

What to do: Wait until account moderation is finished. 
You’ll be able to join programs again after you pass moderation.

The advertiser added you to the blacklist

When you hover the cursor over the Join or Apply for moderation button, you’ll see the following hint in the program card:

The advertiser added you to the blacklist

This may happen if you violate affiliate program rules or the advertiser isn’t satisfied with the quality of traffic you drive to it.

What to do: Join another affiliate program in Admitad Store. Try driving quality traffic, and don’t violate affiliate program rules. 

Your account was blocked

When you hover the cursor over the Join or Apply for moderation button, you’ll see the following hint in the program card:

Your account was blocked. You can’t join programs

This may happen if you violate affiliate program rules or Admitad rules for publishers (Section 5)

What to do: Unfortunately, you can’t do anything. You won’t be able to continue cooperating with Admitad or working with programs.

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