Why your earnings amount on ConvertSocial may decrease

In this article, you'll learn why your total earnings may decrease.

Why the amount in Ready to Withdrawal and Confirmed Earnings decreased 

The amount in the Ready to Withdraw area and Confirmed Earnings column may decrease in the following cases:

  • A brand declined previously confirmed actions.
    You can read more about action decline reasons here.

  • A brand recalculates the rewards for confirmed actions that customers only bought partially.
    The rules of some brands include that the reward depends on the final action amount. If the customer only confirmed part of an action, your reward for it will decrease proportionally to the final action amount. The spread will be debited from your account, and you'll see the decrease in the Ready to Withdraw area.
The brand pays 5% of the action amount.
A customer makes an action totaling $200.
The brand confirms the action and pays the publisher $10.
But the customer returned some of the goods and the final action amount totaled $150.
In this case, the publisher's reward falls to $8,
and the spread between the initial and final reward ($2) will be debited from their account.

The amount in the Ready to Withdraw area also decreases when you withdraw funds from your ConvertSocial account. The requested amount is deducted from Ready to Withdraw and transferred to the selected withdrawal method (e.g. PayPal, bank account, etc.).

Why the amount in the On Hold area and Earnings on Hold column decreased

The amount in the On Hold area may decrease in the following cases:

  • A brand declines actions during verification.
    You can read more about action decline reasons here.

  • The brand rules include that the reward per action depends on additional factors.
    Some brands dictate that the final reward depends on who completed the target action: a new user, or a user who has made actions on the brand website earlier.
    The reward for a new customer action is usually higher than that for an existing user's action. So if it's found during verification that the order was placed by a registered user, the preliminary reward may decrease based on the brand rules.
  • The total action amount changed during action verification by the brand.
    Some brands dictate that the final reward depends on the actual action amount. If the customer only confirmed part of the action, your reward for it will decrease proportionally to the final action amount.
The brand pays 5% of the action amount.
A customer makes an action totaling $200.
The provisional reward, $10, will show in the On Hold area of the Balance section and in the Earnings on Hold column.
But the customer returned some of the goods and the final action amount totaled $100.
In this case, the preliminary reward will decrease because the publisher's final reward will only amount to $5.
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