Why an advertiser declined an order in Takeads

Advertisers can reject:

  • Orders currently on hold, i.e., if the advertiser is verifying them.
  • Orders that have already been confirmed.

Below are some possible reasons why your orders might have been declined. Rewards aren't paid for declined orders.

The order was canceled or returned by the customer

A user performed a target action but changed their mind later and either canceled the order while it was being processed or delivered, or returned it after it was received.

In this case, the advertiser will decline the order.

The order breaks one or more of the advertiser's rules for cooperation

For example, if the advertiser only pays for orders from certain countries (e.g., France and Germany), but the order was placed via the affiliate link on your platform from Estonia.

In this case, the advertiser will decline the order.

The list of approved countries and other terms and conditions can be found in the advertiser's rules in their card in the Advertisers section. 

The action has been attributed to another traffic source or advertising channel

For example, the customer went to the advertiser's site using the affiliate link on your platform, but didn't place an order.

Later, the same customer visited the website after clicking a retargeted ad published by the advertiser and placed an order this time. If such an order gets in the reports, the advertiser will decline it since the order was placed after clicking the advertiser's ad and not by the affiliate link on your platform.

Everything is working as it should. An action is always attributed to the last link from a paid source that the user clicked before placing an order.

How a declined order will be shown in your account

If an advertiser declined an order that was being processed:

  • The Reports section will show that the payment for the order is in the Declined earnings column.

  • The payment for the order will disappear from the On hold block in the Balance section.

If an advertiser declines an order that has been confirmed:

  • The Reports section will show that the payment for the order is in the Declined earnings column.

  • The reward for that order will be removed from your Takeads account balance. You can find these transactions in the Balance history section, with the reason shown as Debit for order {{id}} and the transaction type shown as Debit. Learn more about this section

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