How to use the Reports section on ConvertSocial

The Reports section registers the number of actions, clicks, and earnings for orders made via your referral links. You can also learn more about non-affiliated clicks in this section.

These insights let you analyze your advertising performance.

Statistical data for earlier periods may change, for example, when brands decline actions or customers only partially redeem their orders. Learn more

The Reports section contains three tabs with data:

  • Summary. Go to this tab to get statistics on:

    • A specific period of time, brands and social media account(s)
    • Approved, pending, and declined earnings
    • Clicks amount and conversion.

    There are a lot of metrics in this type of report, so you can customize it according to your needs.

  • Actions (former orders). Go to this tab to check detailed data about actions made via referral links for a specific period of time.

  • Non-affiliated clicks. Go to this tab to get statistics about clicks with errors, which will not be rewarded by ConvertSocial. It will help you to save time and money. If you know about errors and the reasons for non-affiliation, you can fix it in time.

In each tab, you can:

  • Filter information by date.
    By default, reports show data for the today.
    The filter allows you to select the period for which you want to see the report.

    • Select one of the preset values: today, yesterday, current month, or previous month.
    • Or specify a period in the Select dates filter.

    After you filter by date, only data for the selected period will be shown in the charts.

  • Export report in CVS format.

    To do so, click  export-icon.png  on the right side of the page near the Apply button.


In this tab, you can check statistics of approved, pending, and declined earnings. It also displays CR (conversion), clicks, and actions amount.


You can use these filters either separately or in combination.

To choose data in the report, use the following filters:

  • First column and grouping. Click and choose the first column of the report: group information by day, month, year; brand; or social media account.

  • Brand. Tick one or several brands you want to get statistics for.
    This filter lets you view reports for a specific brand. You can only choose from brands whose referral links have clicks or actions in the reports.

  • Social media account. Tick one or several account(s) you want to get statistics for.
    This filter allows you to view reports for every social media account you've added to ConvertSocial. If you only have one social media account, you can only choose it.

By default, the report displays today's data for all brands and your social media accounts. However, what you select in the filters can affect the report's contents.

Report chart

A report is a chart that displays the number of actions, clicks, and earnings for actions made via your referral links.

This chart contains the following columns:

  • Clicks. The number of clicks on your referral links made by potential clients on a selected date.

  • Actions. The number of orders clients made through your referral links on a selected date.

  • CR. The conversion rate of clicks to actions, i.e., % of clients who made an order after following your referral link(s) on your social media account(s).

  • Pending earnings are earnings for actions being verified by brands. Sometime after a client places an order via your referral link, your provisional earnings will appear in this column and the On hold part of the Balance section.
    After that, the brand will verify the action. This verification process may take an average of 1 to 3 months. Learn more about action verification

    • If the action complies with all rules, the brand will confirm it, and your earnings for it will appear in the Approved earnings column.

    • If a brand declines an order, your earnings for it will appear in the Declined earnings column. Brands don't pay for declined actions.
  • Approved earnings are your earnings for actions that were verified and confirmed by brands. Once the earnings for an action move to this column, the reward in the Balance section moves from the On hold section to the Ready for withdrawal section.
    You can withdraw funds once your earnings reach the minimum withdrawable amount (€20). How to withdraw funds

  • Declined earnings are the earnings for actions that were declined by brands. The rewards for such orders will disappear from the On hold section or will be deducted from earnings in the Ready for withdrawal part of the Balance section since brands don't pay for declined orders. Why a brand declined an action


In this tab, you can check detailed statistics for actions, i.e., the time, status, tags, and action ID.


You can use these filters either separately or in combination.

To choose data in the report, tick one or several boxes in the following filters:

  • The Brand filter lets you view reports for a specific brand. You can only choose from brands whose referral links have clicks or actions in the reports.

  • The Social media account filter allows you to view reports for every social media account you've added to ConvertSocial. If you only have one social media account, you can only select that account.

  • The Tag shows reports for specific tags you added to your referral links.
    If you didn't add any tags to your referral links, the filter won't offer any options.

  • The Status filter allows you to view reports of actions in a specific status:

    • Approved. These are your earnings for actions that were verified and confirmed by brands. Once the earnings are approved, the reward in the Balance section moves from the On hold section to the Ready for withdrawal section.
      You can withdraw funds once your earnings reach the minimum withdrawable amount (€20). How to withdraw funds

    • Pending. These are your earnings for actions being verified by brands. Sometime after a client places an order via your referral link, your provisional earnings will appear in this status and the On hold part of the Balance section.
      After that, the brand will verify the action. This verification process may take from 1 to 3 months. Learn more about action verification

      • If the action complies with all rules, the brand will confirm it, and your earnings will have the Approved status.
      • If a brand declines an order, your earnings will appear with the Declined earnings status. Brands don't pay for declined actions.
    • Declined. These are earnings for actions that were declined by brands. The rewards for such orders will disappear from the On hold section or will be deducted from earnings in the Ready for withdrawal part of the Balance section since brands don't pay for declined orders. Why a brand declined an action

By default, the report displays today's data for all actions. However, what you select in the filters can affect the report's contents.

Report chart

A report is a chart that displays the action time and status, earnings amount, tags, and action ID.

This chart contains the following columns:

  • Click time. The time the client clicked on your referral link.
  • Action time. The time a client performed an action using your referral link.
  • Action status. The current status of the action. Learn more
  • Earnings. The amount of earnings for this action.
  • Tag. A special word to track a certain action.
  • Action ID. The unique action identifier.

If you have any questions about actions on your social media account, please contact support. In the request, provide the Action ID, brand name, and action time.

Non-affiliated clicks

In this tab, you can check clicks that were made with errors and will not be rewarded by ConvertSocial. Also, the reason for non-affiliation will be stated here.

If you know the parameters of non-affiliated clicks and their reason, you can replace incorrect referral links to receive a reward in the future.


You can use these filters either separately or in combination.

To choose data in the report, tick one or several boxes in the following filters:

  • The Brand filter lets you view reports for a specific brand. You can only choose from brands whose referral links have clicks or actions in the reports.

  • The Social media account filter allows you to view reports for every social media account you've added to ConvertSocial. If you only have one social media account, you can only select that account.

  • The Tag shows reports for specific tags you added to your referral links.
    If you didn't add any tags to your referral links, the filter won't offer any options.

Report chart

A report is a chart that displays the action time and status, earnings amount, tags, and action ID.

This chart contains the following columns:

  • Date. The date of the non-affiliated click.
  • Brand. The name of the brand for which you placed the referral link on your social media account.
  • Social Media Account. Your account where the referral link was placed and the click on which was non-affiliated.
  • Click Time. The time the client clicked on your referral link.
  • Country. The region where the click was made.
  • Device. The type of device from which the click was made.
  • Tag. A special word to track a certain action.
  • Reason for non-affiliation. You may lose affiliation on clicks made with your social media accounts in the following cases:

    • Inactive account. Your social media account has been blocked.
    • Inactive brand. The brand has stopped working with ConvertSocial.
    • Invalid country. The brand doesn't accept traffic from the country where clicks have been made.
    • Blacklist/whitelist. Your social media account is either not on the brand's whitelist or is on its blacklist.
    • Instagram. Instagram traffic is not allowed for this brand.
    • Other error. Contact support to find out the reason for the non-affiliated click. In the request, provide the brand name and click date.

ConvertSocial reserves the right to set the compensation for incorrectly used affiliated links to zero.

If you think a non-affiliated designation was a mistake, please contact support to find out the reason for it. In the request, provide the brand name and click date.

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