What system integration is, and how to integrate with Admitad

We recommend watching this video, which makes it easier to understand and follow the process of integrating with Admitad.

System integration

System integration is a process of operationally combining two different independent systems: for example, your website or app and the Admitad system.

If you're planning to join an Admitad affiliate program, you must integrate your system with Admitad so that you can do the following:

  • Track the target actions of your website visitors or app users.
  • Submit activity reports to Admitad.

Such target-action reports will include the following information: program code, action code, rate code, order number, order amount, and other action details.

The Admitad system will save any data submitted by your website and/or application and track the publisher from whose ad space the user came to your website and performed the target action. This will ensure that the target action is correctly assigned.

Proper configuration of the integration process ensures that all user target actions are properly registered and correctly assigned to publishers.

This way, you can control your affiliate program costs, and your publishers can be properly and fully reimbursed.

Read more about mobile app integration.

Admitad integration techniques

The available integration techniques include using any of the following:

  • Pre-made plugins to ensure the fastest integration with a SaaS or CMS website run on either WordPress, Shopify, or 1C-Bitrix. Read more about plugin integration.

  • Custom integrations to ensure the optimal integration with a website or application that is technically more sophisticated and whose integration will, therefore, require a reliable developer tech team.
    The available integration techniques include postback integration, implementation of a tracking code, XML integration, or the use of either Google Analytics API or your own website or application API. Read more about custom integrations.

Getting started with integration

1. Before integrating, please make sure that you have added at least one target action and its rate to your program. Otherwise, the process will fail.

  • If you have a personal manager, they will add actions and rates for you.

  • If you don't have a manager, you need to add actions and rates in Actions (Program → Traffic settings → Actions and rewards). See this guide to adding actions.

2. Select the technique for integrating your website and/or application with Admitad.

If you are having difficulty selecting your integration technique, feel free to consult our knowledge base or refer to your team of developers.

3. Next, open your personal account, go to Integration (Program → Integration) and click Next.

4. Select the integration technique that best matches your needs:

  • Pre-made plugin integration if you want to integrate a CMS website hosted by WordPress, Shopify, or 1C-Bitrix.

  • Custom integrations if you want to integrate by using either postback, XML, tracking code, or Google Analytics API.

5. Select your integration technique and click Next.

6. The opened Integration Settings page has the following sections:

  • Your program integration settings: Refer to this section to verify the requirements for configuring your program integration settings.

  • Deduplication settings: Refer to this section for the link to the instructions on how to configure the deduplication settings.

  • Integration testing: Here, you can find a test link, which you can use to verify whether the integration has been successful and whether the tracking of the target actions for your website has been properly configured.

7. Go to the instructions and follow all the steps specified for your selected integration technique.

Selecting your integration technique

The technical features of your website should determine the technique of its integration.

  • You can use the following scheme for selecting the best integration technique.

  • You can also refer to your website designer or application developer for support. They should be able to assist you in selecting the appropriate integration path that matches your needs.

  • Read more about other techniques of integration.

Scheme for selecting your integration technique


To select the best integration technique, please follow the steps below:
Are you planning to submit reports on target actions from your website to the Admitad server?

  • If yes:
    Are you planning to submit reports from your web server (back-end) or your website (front-end)?

Pros and cons of integration techniques

Plugin integration

Using a pre-made plugin is the fastest and most convenient way to integrate your website with Admitad.

This method applies if your website is hosted by one of the following platforms:


  • The fastest and most affordable way of integration, which you can configure and test without needing any developer assistance.


  • Works with a limited number of websites.
  • If you introduce any changes in your CMS system, the plugin may malfunction.

Custom integrations

The following custom integration techniques are available in Admitad:

Deduplication settings and cross-device tracking configuration are available as part of all custom integration techniques.

  • Deduplication is a data processing technique for eliminating any duplicate copies of the same data, including target actions. The technique is also used to identify paid traffic sources and assign their corresponding orders.

    Paid traffic sources are third-party resources that you pay to attract customers on certain terms (e.g., you pay for a visit to your website, ad view, application, registration, or purchase). Examples include targeted advertising, contextual advertising, sponsored posts on influencers' channels, etc.

    Cross-device tracking refers to technology that enables the tracking of user target actions across multiple devices. Read more

Postback integration

As part of postback integration, your server will send a request, or a postback, to the Admitad server, providing target action data generated by users of your website.

The Admitad server will analyze the data and settle publisher accounts.


  • Because it contains a private authorization key, a postback ensures secure data transfer. If necessary, the logs can be checked for the source of the request.
  • Server-to-server (back-end) postback is the most accurate technique for receiving and sending conversion data, protected from any front-end changes.


  • Implementation requires access to the server side of the website.

Read more about postback integration.

Tracking code integration

If you select integrating with a tracking code, a JavaScript code (tracking code) will be installed on your website, and that will be triggered whenever a user performs a target action. Meanwhile, any information about an action (action code, order number, rate code, order amount, etc.) will be submitted to the Admitad server.

The Admitad server will analyze and process the obtained data to settle publisher accounts.


  • Can edit the tracking code when updating the website.
  • Can test the integration process by using TagTag Check.
  • The tracking code does not affect the website's loading speed.


  • If making changes to the website, make sure not to delete the tracking code so that it can continue functioning.

Read more about tracking code integration.

XML integration

With XML integration, any data about the target actions of users will be exported to an XML file with a special structure. The Admitad server, at specified intervals, will access this file and transfer any new data from the file to the Admitad server for analysis.


  • Can restrict access to a file that is username- and password-protected.
  • If configured properly, publishers can receive information about actions with minimal delay.
  • If you have any technical problems, you will be able to recover any lost activity data from Admitad analytics.


  • Data may be shown with delays in case of a long processing queue of the XML file.

Read more about XML integration.

Integration with Google Analytics API

If you use Google Analytics to obtain data on user target actions, you can configure Google Analytics API integration. With this integration technique, the Admitad server receives data about actions using a GET request to the Google Analytics service API.


  • Can apply a single solution for data collection and communication for all partners.
  • Requires only minimal settings, provided that Admitad is the only source of traffic.
  • Can reduce the number of unaccounted target actions by submitting the backup data over Google Measurement Protocol.


  • Dependence on third-party solutions and Google Analytics limitations.
  • No flexible configuration for target actions and rates.
  • Using the Last Paid Click attribution model, with no data backup configured, may result in a high percentage of unaccounted actions compared to other integration techniques.

Important: The Admitad Partner Network does not provide any technical support for Google Analytics, nor does it bear liability for any programs that may have suffered as a result of using Google Analytics for collecting target-action data.

Read more about Google Analytics API integration.

АРI integration

If your website operates with its own API, please forward your API documentation to an Integration Services specialist to work out a customized approach to the integration of your website.


  • Flexible configuration of data collection terms.
  • Minimal API modifications on your side.
  • Activity deduplication and cross-device tracking configuration capabilities.


  • The most time-consuming integration technique, which requires a team of developers to implement and test the code.

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